
Don't refresh the page while mint is in progress

No transaction performed. This is just for demonstration!

The demo NFT project

This is project is ment as a demo on how to deploy Solana NFT minting on any (as far as we know 😉) WEB hoster

You should be familiar with METAPLEX and candy-machine.

If not yet familiar, here some usefull links to resources on how to implement your own minting WEBsite (for Solana)

The complete tutorial to create you NFT Solana collection

Thanks to youtuber HashLips NFT

The short-cut tutorial to create you NFT Solana collection

You should have good knowledge on how to set up a yarn development environment to follow.
Thanks to youtuber Reece Hunter

Tutorial on how to style a minting website

Thanks to youtuber Tech Guy Station

Deploy the minting the website to

As an alternative to a common WEB hoster. Thanks to youtuber Tech Guy Station

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Manager chair
Chair for manager

This is an example layout only.

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Developper chair
Chair for developper

This is an example layout only.

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Designer chair
Chair for designer

This is an example layout only.

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